Monday, March 19, 2012

Where My Nodes Leads Me

What Fedora Infrastructure machines does Puppet help configure?  These must be listed under manifests/nodes. Time to explore a little ... I'll just follow my nodes.

- Go into the manifests/nodes subdirectory. What's there?
Nodes managed by puppet.
- How many nodes are listed? 
$ ls *.pp | wc -l
- Which of these hostnames are unknown? 
$ for i in *.pp; do ping -c1 ${i/.pp/} > /dev/null; done |& tee ~/unknown | wc -l

Are these down, or just hosts that no longer exist?

- How many, known or unknown, are un-ping-able? 
$ for i in *.pp; do ping -c1 ${i/.pp/} &> /dev/null || echo $i; done |& tee ~/cannotping | wc -l
Are they blocking pings, or are these really not Puppet-configurable?

- Are any descriptions duplicates of one another? 
$ for i in *.pp; do perl -pe 's/^node.*//' $i | md5sum; done | sort | uniq -c | awk '$1 > 1'
      2 0543743a9b438bc5c5530cbbe4719584  -
      3 05c68ad0e20d10c5ffa8605748a64ace  -
      2 21c2d6043fb8fd87cda5092eaa76d129  -
      2 2b56c5db637e1c59f19a50818ef6fe32  -
      2 5744cbd978245e061b48e050ae15c804  -
     21 aacdff160a5397d6cb6c9809ed910eca  -
      2 d05aed91de3e7af1d29956db1cbcc65a  -
(Here, I pull off the "node" line because otherwise identically configured nodes have different node names.)

If Puppet lets node files point at more than one host, the number of node files would drop.  Does it?  I'll have to look that up.

- Which machines share the modal (most frequent) description? 
$ for i in *.pp; do printf  "$i"; perl -pe 's/^node.*//' $i | md5sum; done | grep aacdff
For example, most of these have almost the same name: .
Does Puppet let nodenames be regular expressions (or globs)?  I'll have to look that up.

- How big are the descriptions?
$ for i in *.pp; do wc -l $i | sort -n | sed -n '1p;$p'

Some of these only include one module. Some are huge. I wonder whether any standard statistical distribution, like a Poisson, fits the sizes.

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